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Preschool Lab I

Preschool Lab I is an introductory level class where the high school students are paired with a preschool student. During class time, they have the children learn and grow. When I was in this class, I had two different students that I was paired with. I made sure to give them space, while also sculpting their brains and providing them with some necessary information to thrive in the future.

Preschool Lab II

Preschool Lab II is a class that students take after taking Preschool Lab I. In this class, the students have more of a core body of knowledge in the subjects such as program management. Here, the students are given more responsibilities and have to lead their own group of Preschool Lab I students as well as have a preschool aged student to mentor. In this class, I learned a lot about what it means to be a leader.


Click here to view some of the work that I have done over the course of Preschool Lab I and II.

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